Serving Families

Find Out Just What This Means at Images By G

Providing your family exceptional service, images you are “Over the Moon” about AND a price point that can easily fit into your family’s budget is something I go out of my way to ensure.

When my granddaughter was born, we hired a professional photographer. We were so excited, we did not pay attention to the fine print!! We wrongly thought our investment was straight forward: We hired a photographer to take pictures and we thought pictures would be included.

We paid $250 for a two hour newborn session for our daughter and son in law. We had no idea we would then be sent a link to pictures that we could view over an emotional barrel. We were welcome to purchase images at an additional cost AND if we wanted all the images, the price was well over 1K$

These were once in a lifetime moments that could never be recaptured.

Unfortunately, there was no way we could justify this outrageous expense against our family’s budget on top of what we already spent.

We could have paid a couple hundred dollars for one or two of the images, but we already spent $250. The photographer was compensated for her time, yet we received no return on our investment. It felt like extortion and it was awful explaining to my daughter that we would be unable to purchase any of the images.

We were even more devastated when the photographer used those images of our granddaughter to market herself on her social media and on her website and even sold them as stock images.

This business model exists to take beautiful images and then bank on your family’s emotions to spend hundreds of dollars more. In my experience, a photographer’s interest is amply served under this model; but, what about the family’s interest(s)?

This is not the way I want to be treated and this is NOT the type of service I want to provide the families I’m so honored to get to serve. Images By G is proud to be able to serve families and to do it in a way that makes it a treasured experience for all involved.

This means that my first priority in everything is to put you and your family’s interest first in all my business practices and decisions. I start out by learning about your family, what stage of life you are in right now and what is important to you in creating images for your family. I provide information that helps you make decisions about styling your family, planning your time and deciding where you would most like to have your family photographed.

When I meet your family on location and begin to create images with you, I am always thinking about everyone’s needs. I notice when small children are antsy and I am prepared to change gears and keep them engaged.

When I am editing images, all my choices revolve around you and your family. I want you to know you can trust me to present you and your loved ones in your best light and to do my very best to bring that out in you. Aside from creating beautiful images with your family, I want to encourage your family and build you up and send you back out there to love and serve each other.

When it comes to pricing. I have decided that the “boutique” “emotional barrel” practice is NOT the service or the experience I want my clients to have. I care very much about the images I create with your family; but what I care most about, is my relationship with you and your loved ones. I want you to leave your time with me feeling attended to and encouraged. I want you to know that you are totally worth my time, attention and extra effort.

I want you to be able to afford both my services and ALL your family’s beautiful images. I also want you to be able to afford to come back in 3, 4 or 6 months and next year to do it ALL OVER AGAIN!!

This time you have with your loved ones, regardless of the age, is fleeting!! Fleeting literally means it is running away from you!! You and your family deserve to have a photographer that cares just as much about your family’s photographs as you do. I don’t want you to miss out on anything!

Your family is worthy of Exceptional Service, Images you are ‘Over the Moon’ about,

and a price point that fits comfortably within your family’s budget.

Your Family Portrait Experience should be like a walk on the beach.

You should come away confidant, encouraged and anticipating ALL the gorgeous images you and your loved ones created with me. You should not have to worry about which images you’ll have to do without because you can’t afford to purchase them.

I got into Portrait Photography to Love & Serve Families.

Images By G believes your family is Worthy of Serving. I want to give your family my very best in terms of my guidance, time, attention, creativity and experience. Whatever it takes!! I want to provide the very best service, the very best images and the very best experience.

At Images By G, your trust is important to me. Your family’s interests are paramount in all my decisions, on every level from learning your family members names to caring for your special needs children or your aging parents – it all matters to me!! Whether I am preparing for our time together, creating images with your loved ones, or culling and editing your images I am constantly thinking about you and your family members and what you would most appreciate, value, or be “Over the Moon” about.

Contact me anytime and ask me anything about how I can make your family’s portrait experience come to life. I am always only a phone call, email or text message away and I love to help however I can.

A very special “Thank You”, to this beautiful family who trusted me to create images with their family.

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